The 'Preferences' menu allows you to modify basic settings in the Live Streamer Desktop Application.

An overview of these basic settings is listed for the 'General', 'Defaults', 'Connectivity', and 'Hot Keys' tabs in the Live Streamer Desktop Application.

General Tab

Double-Click Actions - The action that will be performed when you double-click on a symbol.

Export Settings - The file format that will be selected by default when you choose to export information from the Live Streamer Desktop Application.

Table Settings - The ability to change the font-size of the headers and font-color when a stock is up or down is available in this menu.

Debug Setting - The level of log information for reporting bugs is selected from this menu.

Country Settings - Stock exchange symbols will automatically be entered for the exchange underneath the country when it is selected.

RTD Settings - Premium users can change the method that data enters Excel in this setting.

Defaults Tab

Symbol Defaults - The default symbol that a new module window is loaded.

Option Defaults - The option that symbols are entered into the Live Streamer Desktop Application.

Market Depth View - The preferred order that Market Depth information is displayed by.

Market Movers - The preferred exchange and what will appear by default in the market movers module.

Historical Data - The preferred adjustment when the historical view is loaded.

Charting Options - The preferred default chart type, time scale, and upper and lower indicators that are loaded on the charts modules.

Data Tab

Data Rate - If you would like to slow down the speed that stock data enters a symbol column, you may select the refresh rate of data.

Hot Keys Tab

Hot Key Assignments - You may decide what combinations of keys will perform popular Live Streamer Desktop Application tasks.